
Feb 23, 2012


I know it has been already a week since last post, but u have been really busy with something important. 
I have a lot of new posts to make so just give me few more days and i will catch up really quick. 
Since then, enjoy beautiful weather outside....i have feeling spring is coming already....:)

Feb 17, 2012

Here it is

As I promised yesterday to show final product made from this super cool new yarn quality, here it is.
I really love the final result. I like very much cable endings of fronts, even if cardigan stays in this way it is already finished but to be completely finished, I add also golden chain on the collar. It match perfect to golden tread that is mixed with other colours. In this way cardigan don't need any other options for closing (like buttons, zips and so on). 
Cannot wait to wear it until the end of Winter and early Spring when is still cold...just love it!


Feb 16, 2012

New yarn

This week I received new quality yarn for making samples for Winter 2012-2013. This yarn is totally cool. It made for very heavy garments and it is quality I haven't used until now- 100% Acetate  
(cellulose acetate fiber is one of the earliest synthetic fibers and is based on cotton.)
I already have so many ideas for different style. Something more, already started with making samples. I hope tomorrow will have chance to post a picture of ready style. I think it will be great one with big chances to be best seller for next winter season. 
But now take a look of the yarn and knit sample how it looks like fabric. 


Feb 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's day!!!

Happy Valentine's day everybody!!!
I will dedicate this post to love. Unfortunately I will not be able to spend this holiday with my boyfriend since he is abroad. Anyway we will catch up later celebrating it. 
Meanwhile he is not next to me, I used the time to make a present for him. He is football player so I got this idea to combine his passion with mine...

Recently I found myself really into Swarovski stones and specially how great they match with different garments like knitting dresses, sweater and t-shirts. Lately different clients of us use those stones in their collections so I found big amount different colours and sizes. What I will do is a t-shirt with stones decoration. Here step by step will explain you the way I made it...

Easiest way to do some kind of application is to print a paper with it and then start decorating it with stones. This is how I make it, if I want to do something exclusive and fast. In this case I printed the text "I'm football star...".
(always use a tweezers for placing stones, it is really easy with it)  


Really important moment is to cover the decoration with special transparent nylon that is adhesive on one side. In this way stones are glued to nylon and "safe" until final stage. 

To be fixed on top of garment every stone has glue on one side. This glue melt in very high temperature and go deep into the fabric. I like very much Swarovski stone, because their glue is so strong, doesn't matter washing or even drying in dry machine (had tried some substitute that are cheaper but quality is not the same at all).
In company we have different facilities for applying the stones. Newest one work on the principle of an "air gun". Air sucked stone and infra red rays melt glue while placing stone on the fabric. I know it sounds strange but actually is very simple and fast process. I work with that machine often, so in one of next posts I will make a video and show you. 
For making this kind of decorations, I am using pressing machine. It is very simple pressing machine with cover. It reach 200 C degrees. All what needs to be done is to place the t-shirt, definitely put some fabric on top of it and then close the cover. It take not more the 2 min and stones are glued to the garment. 
And here you can see the final result, I think is totally worth it, doesn't matter men are not that big fans of stones. After all it is Valentine's day allows some more glamour and sparkling...

Wish all of you one special and magical night...!


Feb 13, 2012

Changing plans

Ok, weather is so ridicules lately that don't give possibility to do almost anything. It is snowing already 4th day in row. Seems that all roads around are closed again and we have to move fashion show for 8th of March. Hopefully until them weather will have some mercy on us. Anyway we are still continuing with rehearsals about it....
Meanwhile will have to concentrate on new winter collections. I just took picture of one style that will be my favourite for next winter for sure. Love the idea of this cardigan in beige with huge zip in contrast colour. Totally awesome... What do you think?


Feb 12, 2012

Coming week...

Today's post will be short one. I want to tell you briefly how my next week will look like. 
Even thought i live in really small city, sometimes some really exiting events are happening in here. Like the anniversary of local high school. It is professional high school with different fields like cooking department, wood kraft department and (best one for me) technology of creating clothes department. 
Fallowing the sad news all around Europe and Bulgaria so many professional high schools are closing their all kind of clothing departments because of less interest of young people, me and clothing department of local high school decided to make improvised fashion show. There is going to be big concert anniversary celebrating. Guests will be all over the country and some from Ministry of education. So i think our fashion show will be just great. Tomorrow i will try to upload some pictures of our rehearsals. I am really exited about this, so just fallow me....

Unfortunately i woke up with one really sad news- greatest singer of all Whitney Houston is dead. R.I.P. Whitney- your love always will be our love!!!! ;(((


Feb 11, 2012


Hey there blog readers,

this is something i wanted to do for very long time, but somehow time was never right. 
As i mention in my profile i am textile designer, loving textile and fashion. Since some years i work in a knitwear company and i have to admit it- this work is amazing. 
Most of us just see ready garments in shops, magazines, fashion shows etc. But only those working in this fields know the long way of creating the garment. 
This was reason to make this blog. I want to share with you readers, everything what happen "behind the curtain".
Mainly my attention will be concentrate on knitwear's, because this is field i'm really into now. I will try to "dunk" you in this limitless universe of knitting techniques and styles. I am sure you will see that knitting is not only typical winter pullover what we all have and use only when its cold outside....knitting is inspiration...knitting is creation...knitting is life...

Enjoy it...